We are in a new season; a new era has begun. Every season of the Lord involves a transition that requires faith and courage.. The Church is now in transition from the Church age to the Kingdom age. The form of the present church that has evolved is not prepared to survive or prosper in the times ahead. In order to capture the fullness of the promised life that is ours in Christ, there must be change.

A new breed of leadership is emerging. As the new breed of leadership increase, the old order of doing “Church” will decrease. This is the Lord’s doing. The new breed with the heart of the Father will seek to mature God’s sons and daughters. This new breed has the wisdom to discern the times and HOWto prepare the people (1 Chr. 12:32).  Being resolute to embrace the five fold ministries of Christ, they will empower, perfect and equip the saints for the work of ministry.  Cultivating and releasing the Kingdom of heaven within, God’s people will rise up to be all they are called to be – manifest sons /daughters of the most high God.

Christ is King of His Kingdom. His Kingdom will be revealed on earth as it is in heaven through His body – the Church. The Church is called to be a habitation for the Spirit of the living God (Eph. 2:22-23). As each Christian function they way each are called, (1 Cor. 12:18) the Church will display the person and nature of Christ. To release the people in their gifts is to release Christ in our midst (Eph. 1:23).

God is about to move once again upon this earth. This will be a move carried forward by a people that love the Lord to fulfill His purpose. It is high time that we prepare for a great advance. The best way to prepare is to know the Lord’s voice and follow Him. In doing so, He will direct our steps to be where He is (John 12:26).


 AtThe Cross-Roads

The Church is now at the “Cross-roads.” A remnant is rising that are willing to take up their cross daily. These self-sacrificing Christians will release an unprecedented spiritual power with Kingdom authority that will bring renewal to the Church. Rather than looking at themselves and their abilities, their faith will be solely placed in the Lord and who He is.

     Jesus gave the pathway to life when He said, “If any man will come after Me, let him deny himself and take up his cross, and follow Me. For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for My sake shall find it” (Mt. 16:24-25).

Laying their lives down for Christ, they have discovered the key to moving in unprecedented power is the Cross. As the apostle Paul tells us, the “Cross is the power of God” (1 Cor. 1:18). In doing so, book of Acts will pale in comparison to the glorious manifestations of Christ and His glory with signs and wonders. The restoration of true apostolic ministry will arise again and with this, true apostolic churches will arise throughout the Nations that call upon the Lord.

Many are experiencing God “high-lightening” personal areas, such as habits, old ways of thinking and doing ministry that is void of the person and presence of Christ. What worked in the past will not work in the present.  All this needs to be laid down. Thus, as noted in Hebrews 12:26-27, a great shaking is taking place, both in the heavens and in the earth, “So that those things that cannot be shaken, may remain. This truly is a season of preparation that involves purging and pruning.

Those who pick up their Cross-will prevail victoriously against the rising tide of evil. As they march to the rhythm of the heartbeat of heaven, abiding in Christ and His love, they will not only take the high ground, but also possess it in Christ. These are the worshipping warriors, a people resolute in their devotion to Christ. Having overcome fear and death, their very lives embody the victorious risen Christ. .


The Valley

  Do you feel as though you are in the Valley of the Shadow of death? Going through a time of opposition, rejection, trials and tribulations? Rejoice and be glad, for these are the things that present the grand opportunity to know the joy of the Lord who is our strength – the grace to be empowered by the Spirit of His might.

     I would like to recommend a book that is strategic for this time. It’s called, “The Valley” by Rick Joyner. This book is written for those in pursuit of “the high calling of God.”  This book reveals how to prevail in the battle between light and darkness that is unfolding. You can obtain your copy on Amazon.com.

In His heart with abounding joy – Roy Roden