“And the glory of the Lord filled the House” – Ezekiel 44:4

In 2005, the Lord gave me powerful prophetic dream. I was standing in the back of a large room that had no ceiling. Upfront on the platform was a group of worshippers stacked in the shape of a Christmas tree that stood at least 22 feet tall. As they worshipped, breakouts of God’s glory radiated from the top. Like large oceans waves, the Lord’s presence flowed towards the back of the room. At that time, we were silent in reverence while basking in His glory.
People were coming in a side door two by two. I was reminded of Noah’s Ark as they were coming into a place of safety. I had the privilege of laying hands on each of them, and in doing so, God’s healing virtue touched everyone.
This dream is the short version but confirms the prophecies I have received from numerous well known prophetic voices. As a worshipper with the heart of a lover and the spirit of a warrior, I long see the Lord’s House established where worship is central to all that we do. As noted in Acts 15:16, the passion of God is to restore the Tabernacle of David, a worship center for all Nations.
It is also the passion of Eastgate Ministries, not only to establish the Tabernacle of David, but an Apostolic /Prophetic training center. It is the call and role of the five fold ministries of Christ to equip the saints for the work of ministry. Revolving around the worship center, our vision is to establish a global broadcasting center, a place where people can be refreshed in the Lord’s presence, empowered, equipped in their gifts, and deployed internationally for the work of ministry, to see the full gospel of Jesus Christ Jesus and His message of the Kingdom established throughout the earth.
Please join with us in making declarations with prayer and intercession to our heavenly Father to call in a House of Worship here in Midcoast, Maine as follows:
To own property for a home base here in Midcoast Maine to establish an apostolic/prophetic worship center
For worshipping warriors to arise with the heart of David as part of the worship team
For anointed musicians to flow together in the unity of the Spirit
For God’s army to arise and march to the cadence of the heartbeat of heaven.
For healing, the awakening anointing, and God’s love to manifest on earth as in heaven
For the Lord of Host, mighty in battle, to prevail and rule in our midst. To see the Tabernacle of David restored, a house filled with the light of His glory
In His heart – Roy Roden