Prophetic Tidbit: The Fire of His Awakening
Every denomination began as a movement. When a movement stops moving, it becomes an institution, a religious organization. Organized religion embraces rituals, formulas, and principles void of the power of God. God does not inhabit rituals and traditions, but His people. Our call is to be a tabernacle for the Spirit of God. To rise and shine with the light of His glory. We are the Church of the Living God.
A new era has begun. In preparation for a great awakening, a trumpet call has sounded. Those who hear the call and respond will soon be united with the Father and with one another. Unified by love, they carry the heartbeat of heaven. Their passion is to keep the fire burning and ignite in others the fire that God created man to have.
You will know them by the fire that burns within them. Rejecting religious practice, they yearn for the Lord and the reality of His presence. Because they seek Him, He will be found by them. In turn, the Lord will give them their heart’s desire- His fellowship. He is our inheritance.
The Sun of righteousness is rising with healing in His wings. It is written before the coming of the Lord; He will send the Spirit of Elijah (Malachi 4:2,6). What is the Spirit of Elijah? It is the awakening anointing of an outpouring of the Father’s love to turn the heart of the Fathers to God’s children, and the heart of the children to their Fathers.
The Father of glory is about to invade His house with the fire of His cleansing presence. The power of His love will awaken many. Waves of awakening will root out, pull down, and thrown down all that exalts itself above the Lord. At the same time, the same anointing will build up the people of God to establish His house, a habitation for His Spirit (Ephesians 2:22).
We are living in amazing times – In His love with joy – Roy.