Special Post Election Broadcast Replay Report Nov. 14th, 2020
During this broadcast, I expound on the present spiritual battle and the joy of the Lord that is our strength, the forthcoming display of God’s power, the second Revolution, and how God is bringing the Prophets and the prophetic ministry to the front. I also share what I see as a catalyst for a great awakening and the coming faith movement.
It’s time to hearken to His Voice and make a stand. It’s time to cross over into a new realm of faith. As it is written in 2nd Chronicles 2020 (pertinent for this year 2020), “Believe in the Lord your God so shall you be established; believe His prophets, so hall you prosper.”
You can view the replay on Vimeo by clicking on this link. http://vimeo.com/479854167
Or my FB page at http://www.facebook.com/roy.roden.1, also on Parler at http://parler.com/profile/Christlove/posts
In His amazing eternal love – Roy Roden