Maine & the Key of David – The East Gate For This Nation
In July of 2004, Chuck Pierce and Dutch Sheets while on their 50 state tour, prophesied that Maine is the east gate for the glory of the Lord to rise over this nation. To read this prophecy please click here
Here is an excerpt by Chuck Pierce – “In our nation, Maine is the furthest state that lies on the eastern seaboard. Because of Maine’s location, it sees the first rays of sunlight that rises from the east. Before the sun touches the rest of the nation, it first touches the state of Maine. Because of this, Maine is considered to be the place of “The New Dawn.” It’s a new day and the Son of righteousness is now rising with healing in His wings” (Malachi 4).
Chuck also declared that Maine is the womb of the morning. God certainly has plans to birth something new in New England. The glory of the Lord is not rising upon Maine just because of it’s furthermost eastern location, but because of a people that have a passion for God’s presence.
The East Gate for this nation is the people of God that have the heart of a lover with a passion for the Lord’s presence. We are the tabernacles for the Holy Spirit! When the people of God come together “as one” in worship, the King of glory will come in. The door of our heart is the east gate- the entryway for the King of glory. True worship is the expression of a lover’s heart that evokes the Father to respond to inhabit the praises of His people – the entrance of His glory.
While many are looking for the outpouring to come, the Lord is looking for those who will receive a continual infilling. The eye of the Lord is searching for those that have a lover’s heart passionately seeking intimacy with Him. Worship brings us into His presence and as one voice; corporate worship opens the portal of heaven for the King of Glory to come in. The house of the Lord is the church – His bride As the Lord enters the east gate, which is the heart of God’s people, He will fill the house with His glory AND the hearts of His people with His life. King David declared,
Lift up your heads, Oh ye gates and the King of Glory will come in. Who is this King of Glory” David ask? “The Lord strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle. Who is this King of glory? The Lord of hosts, He is the King of Glory (See Psalms 24:6-10)
The prophet Ezekiel saw a time when the Lord came from the east and entered into the east gate of the temple and “The Glory of the Lord filled the house of the Lord” (Ez. 43:1-4). The Lord came from the east, which is the place of the rising of the Sun and He came into the house through the east gate. As the people of God lift their face towards the Son in worship, His light will rise upon them and they will shine with the light of His glory until the house of God is filled with His glory.
As the apostle Paul so eloquently stated, we have within this earthen vessel a divine treasure- the light that shines in our hearts to illuminate to us the glory of God. It is by seeing His glory that we become as He is – full of glory. (See 1 Cor. 3:18, 4:6-7 and Ep. 1:17-15-23)
A new day has dawned. The morning Sun is now rising and kissing the dawn of a new day with the light of God’s glory. The call is to “Arise and shine for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen” (Isaiah 60:1).
The people of God are the east gate, the entry way for the glory of the Lord to fill the house with His Glory.
A New Form of Warfare
We are in a new season that requires a new form of warfare. The old means of warfare will not work in this new season. The power of corporate worship is this – as praises go up the presence of God comes down for God inhabits the praises of His people. The Kingdom of God comes in His presence. If there is anything the enemy fears it is those that carry His glory. It is the Lord of Host who is mighty in battle that defeats the powers that rule over regions and neutralizes the influence of territorial spirits. As David said, the Lord is a man of war. As we worship,
The Lord shall go forth as a mighty man, He shall stir up jealousy like a man of war: he shall cry, yes, and roar; He shall prevail against His enemies (Is. 43:13).
Through worship, Jesus as the Lion of Judah goes forth in battle to roar on our behalf to drive out our enemies. It is the light and glory of God that pierces the darkness and displaces principalities and powers. It is through worship that something of heaven happens on earth. Because God inhabits the praises of His people, worship is warfare and militant in nature. In His presence we receive His counsel with the battle strategies that are an impregnable means of warfare.
We need worshippers that are also warriors. Worship by its very nature provides a canopy of praise that overshadows an area that pierces the darkness. A local church can through the unity of pure worship, displace local strongholds that breaks the bands of the enemy. A regional worship center has the power of heaven to displace counterfeit spiritual authority over an entire region. And likewise, a nation that comes together as one in His house, can cast down the powers of darkness that rule over that nation.
Spiritual authority is multiplied with unity. When one part of a mantle is joined to the mantle of another, their authority is multiplied and the glory of God is magnified. If one can put a thousand to flight and two can chase ten thousand, just think of the multiplication of three or more that come together in Christ. When the heads of church leaders magnify the Lord as one, the powers of heaven are released that shakes the Kingdom of kings established on earth.
There is a divine apostolic/prophetic alignment now taking place that consists of worshippers and warriors of the Kingdom. It is here from the spiritual realm they will release the sound of heaven through worship and all manner of instruments that will impact the earth. It is this resonating sound of the Father’s heart that reveals the pulse of heaven that will cause revival to break out.
The new creation is a spiritual creation. We are born from above by the Spirit to be alive in our spirit to the things of God. It is our spirit that is born again with newness of life. God is a Spirit and those who worship Him must worship Him in their spirit. The wonder of worship is that it frees our spirit to be in His presence, for we enter into His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise. (Ps. 100:1-3). We were created in God’s image for our spirit to soar in the heavens while our bodies are here on the earth. It is this “spirit to spirit” heart connection that bridges the gap between heaven and earth. It is from the place of intimacy with the Father’s heart that opens the portals of heaven for the King of Glory to come in.
Jacob experienced the Lord of Glory when he saw in a dream a ladder that connected heaven with earth. He proclaimed “This is none other but the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven” (Genesis. 28:17). The house of God is the gate of heaven, which is the household of faith – a pace for His habitation. It is the nature of heaven that brings healing, deliverance and restoration. Because worship ushers in God’s presence, it releases revival. The unity of praise ushers in God’s glory that breaks curses and cast evil bands asunder. If you raise the level of worship, it will awaken a people to rise and shine. It is this light of the living God that creates a rival that impact nations until the earth is covered with His glory.
The Outpouring of Living Waters
The prophet Ezekiel saw the Lord enter the temple from the east and witnessed the Lord fill the house with His glory. (Ez. 43:1-5) The results of the infilling of God’s glory was an outpouring of living waters. These waters flowed out from the house of the Lord toward the east. (EZ. 47:1-9) One might say, that the same way the Lord came in is the same way that rivers of living waters will flow out! Through the east gate which is the hearts of His people.
“He that believes on Me, as the scripture has said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living waters” (John 7:38).
The results of the infilling of His glory from our “heart to heart” intimacy with the Lord, will cause an overflow of living waters. It is this overflow of His life poured into His people that will flow out from the house that will touch nations with His life. Jesus is life who said that those who drink of the waters that He gives shall never thirst but have everlasting life. This life is not just eternal life for salvation, but the life that keeps on empowering us with His resurrection life. Jesus said,
We are the temple for the Holy Spirit. As we look towards the light that is found in Jesus Christ the King of Glory will come and fill us with His glory. Collectively, as God’s people come together in Christ, they become the house of the Lord,
In whom all the building is fitly famed together will grow up to become a holy temple in the Lord. In whom you are also built together for a habitation of God through the Spirit (Eph. 2:21-22).
It is from the infilling of His life, that we become the outpouring of His glory. We need not look for an event, place or time for the coming of the King, but to find the secret place of the Lord’s as noted in Psalms 91:1, which is the place where we abide under His wing. It is here in His presence that we drink of His life freely that fills our inner most being with living waters. Drink up and drink often!
A Love Revolution
The results of the infilling is a river of life that touches others with God’s love. The apostle John tells us that God is love and He that abides in love abides in God and God in Him. I love the next verse which says, “Because as He is in heaven, so are we in this world” (1 John 4:17). Just think – we are as He is and because He is, we are!
Because love is the essence of who God is, you cannot be filled with His glory without being filled with His love. In order to be like Him we need to be as He is – love. His love reveals His glory and His glory shines in His love. Be filled with the love of God and you will shine with His glory. His love that fills you with His living presence is the power that touch others with His life. Do not seek His power, but seek His love and you will have His power. His love is the water that we draw from the well of life found in Him. It this love shed abroad through our hearts by the Spirit that enables us to ministers in the power of His resurrection life.
And hope does not make us ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit that is given to us (Romans 5:5).
Be Ye Filled
Those with a lover’s heart will, from the place of intimacy with the heart of the Father, be filled with the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit. As we are filled with His life, we are being filled with His love that reveals His glory. His glory shines in the light of His love. To let your light shine simply means to be so filled with the life of His Spirit, that the love of God fills you to overflowing. People will be attracted to your light simply because they feel the loving presence of God in you and around you. How are we with His Spirit? The apostle Paul gives to us the key of David in Ephesians 5:16-19,
Redeem the time because the days are evil. Wherefore do not be unwise but understand what the will of God is. And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess: but be filled with the Spirit. Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart unto the Lord. Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
The perfect will of God is this – to be filled with the Holy Spirit. How? By living a life of worship and praise until you become worship. To love the Lord with all your heart in such a way, that you deliberately and consciously, offer to Him the sacrifice of praise in all things throughout the day as an offering unto Him. In response, the Father of lights, the King of Glory fills your inner most being with His living presence. What a deal! We offer our praise and we receive His presence! Not because of what we can receive, but because of WHO HE IS!
The Key of David
God called King David “ a man after His own heart.” Why did the Lord affirm this about David’s identity? David was a worshiper who loved the presence of God. He never did anything without first inquiring of the Lord. Before Christ redeemed mankind through the power of the cross, David discovered the key for intimacy with the Father was that of worship. David had the heart of a lover with the Spirit of a warrior. This is the key of David that opened the door to heaven that enabled David to enter into God’s presence.
Thus, the Tabernacle of David became His vision. A place where the continual sound of worship could be heard in spiritual hymns and songs with musical instruments. David knew tGod was searching for the sacrifice of praise from a heart that sought intimacy with the Father to know His ways. Thus, David became a forerunner of the royal priesthood. As a minister he offered the sacrifice of praise. It was from the place of intimacy that he received God’s counsel and wisdom at the gates of heaven that enabled him to rule as king at the gates on earth. Thus, he was both priest and king. A priest who ministered unto God in heaven, and as King he ruled on earth with the authority of God from heaven.
But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people that you should show forth the praises of Him who has called you out of darkness into marvelous light (1 Peter2: 9).
In Christ, we are children of the Kingdom of heaven. We are ordained with an inheritance as saints of light of the royal priesthood. In worship we are His priest and as His ambassadors on earth, Kings of the royal priesthood. As joint heirs with Jesus our call is to be positioned with Him at the right hand of the Father with the blessing and commission to rule with Kingdom authority as manifest sons of God.
Giving thanks unto the Father, which has made us to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light: Who has delivered us from the power of darkness and has translated us into the Kingdom of His dear Son (Colossians 1:12-13).
A Short Summary
As we rise to the throne in worship we receive the infilling of His living presence. Again, our hearts are the east gates for the entrance for His Spirit that fills our vessel with His glory. A church that worships opens the portal of heaven, the place where the household of faith can ascend and descend the ladder of grace to visit the realm of heaven. We are created in spirit to soar in the heavenly realm to receive His love, divine counsel and wisdom to rule with His authority on earth.
The key of David is in our hands. We enter into the realm of heaven for access simply by unlocking the door our hearts as lovers of God to see the one who sits on the throne. The door of heaven opened when Jesus died on the cross and He said, “It is finished.” At that time the veil of the temple was rent that opened the way into the holy of holies. It is by the redemption of Christ that we have access at any time with “boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus” (Hebrews 10:19).
All God wants is our heart for He is a God of love. He loves for us to know the fellowship of His presence that we may know His heart. It is here in His presence that that we rule and reign with Christ who sits at the right hand of the Father. The kingdom of God comes in His presence. As both King and priest of the Royal priesthood, we have the blessing to be fruitful, multiply, subdue and have dominion in our Eden. (See Genesis 1:27-28)
From the place of intimacy, a love revolution that reveals the love of the Father in power and demonstration will sweep the land. Healings, deliverances and restoration will become commonplace. We are about to see the demonstration of the Kingdom of God revealed through the greatest movement of all times – through messengers of fire that reveal the Father’s heart in demonstration and power of the Spirit – the faith that works by love.
An Outpouring of Joy
This love revolution by those with a passion for His presence, will release an outpouring of the joy of the Lord, for in His presence there is fullness of joy. His joy heals, delivers and brings restoration. Because the spirit of fear is increasing upon the earth, the joy of the Lord will, in itself, become a major evangelistic tool. People need to see Christians that have the joy of the Lord upon them as well as God’s love. God’s perfect love cast out all fear and His joy restores life to burdened soul. Again, worship leads us into the place of His presence where we receive His joy. As King David proclaimed,
“You will show me the path of life: In your presence is fullness of joy: at your right hand there are pleasures forever more” (Psalms 15:11).
For the past two years starting in 2010, I have often been overcome by the joy of the Lord. God is not selective when this takes place, because He loves to show up to impart His joy. This can happen anywhere – at a restaurant, at the local Gym, in the grocery store, while ministering to others and so on. It doesn’t matter where or when, when His joy comes it often is so deep that it wrecks me! The ministry of joy comes from flowing in the river of His presence and it’s contagious. People that associate with us often become wrecked by His joy and again, God is not selective as to the time and place. There is an open heaven now to receive the joy of the Lord that we have been imparting to the body of Christ.
His joy breaks the power of demonic strongholds and their assignments, renews the strength of the weary and refreshes our spirit with His presence. The joy of the Lord is a deliverance ministry with the transforming power to turn old wineskins into new. Often times we laugh with the Father who sits in the heavens and as He laughs, His joy puts our enemies in derision,
He that sits in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision (Ps. 2:4).
Now Is the Time
The Tabernacle of David was a mobile worship center where musicians and psalmist, dancers and singers and those who played all manners of instruments, came together to make one sound to be heard in praising and thanking the Lord. As we see on the day that Solomon devoted the temple to the Lord, the glory of the Lord filled the house (See 2 Chronicles 5).
It is the presence of the Lord that makes us one, the unity with the power to scatter our enemies. The Lord will once again restore the Tabernacle of David, a house of worship for all nations.
In that day will I raise up the tabernacle of David that is fallen, and close up the breaches thereof, and I will raise up his ruins, and I will build it as in the days of old (Amos 9:11).
Notice that Amos 9:11 states “in that day” the Lord will restore the house of David that is fallen, The New Testament Tabernacle is the bride of Christ – the household of faith. As Paul declared, we are the temple of the Lord,
“Now you are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the household of faith. And you are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ being the chief corner stone. In whom all the building is fitly framed together to grow into a holy temple in the Lord. In whom you are also built together (in Christ) for a habitation of God through the Spirit” (Eph. 2:19-22).
As we see in Acts 15:17, the purpose of the Lord restoring the Tabernacle of David is to provide a place where those who seek after the Lord may come and worship. Isaiah saw a time when darkness covered the earth, but in the midst of the greatest darkness, the glory of the Lord will rise upon His people and will become so visible, that nations will come to the “brightness of your rising” (Is. 60:1-3).
The Church is the tabernacle of David that God is raising up with the grace to build and to plant, to restore the paths to dwell in. (Is. 58:12) To bring healing and restoration to a lost and dying world. The results of being filled with His Spirit, is that out of our belly will flow rivers of living water. It is these waters that are the rivers of God’s love shed abroad in our hearts that touch the life of others. It is this river of the Father’s life that reveals His love that will cause a love revolution that will impact the nations for Christ for love never fails. A river that people can swim in that will move them forward by the current of His power to the place of their destiny.
A harvest is now upon us. The light, glory and power of the Lord is increasing even greater than the darkness by a people that rise and shine with the light of His love. They will arise and do great exploits, as the world has never seen since the dawn of time. The Holy Spirit is about to move upon the earth as He did in the beginning to bring forth-new a creation and He will do this through His people.
We are now in these days. Again, the call today is to “Arise and shine for your light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon you” (Is. 60:1)
In His heart and love – Roy Roden