Update School of Prophetic Ministry- Prophetic Word “God’s Cruise Control”

It is with a degree of sadness to report our “Eastgate School of Prophetic Ministry” held monthly at Hills Mansion in Augusta is now canceled. Although there is a core group that still desires to be equipped in their gifts and how to use them, there are not enough regular participants to keep the doors open, at least not at this time.

As a faithful friend of mine said this morning, it is not over yet. A major outpouring of God’s Spirit with fire is coming. However, whenever God makes a change, in order to be where the hand of God is moving, we must not only be flexible but also respond to the call – no matter where He takes us. It is also our desire to direct our resources and time to where it will bear the most fruit.

On the home front here in Midcoast Maine, in every area (ministerial, financial, marital, relational and spiritual) we are experiencing the “more abundant life” with increased prosperity and favor. We continue to pursue and develop life-giving relationships with Church leaders and believers throughout New England. In doing so, God is moving mountains and breaking strongholds.

“Watch What I Do,” says the Lord

During the summer and fall of 2017, after going through a time of cleansing that always leads to greater purity and sanctification, I heard the Lord say, “Watch what I do.” I was then given Isaiah 30:15,

“For thus says the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel. In returning (to Me) and rest (In Me) you shall be SAVED, and in quietness and in confidence (In the Lord) you shall have STRENGHT.”

From the place of rest, we are saved from many things (ourselves, burnout, etc.) and it is while being quiet (humility) having our confidence in Christ that God imparts His peace and life-giving strength. Knowing our identity as His beloved enables us to cease from striving to know His love – the place of abiding.

Cruise Control

From the placer of rest, I feel like I am on a ship on the sea powered by an unseen slow-moving current. Without an engine to move the ship forward, or sails to catch the wind, the current of the Spirit is moving everything forward. I am on “Cruise Control” as God’s hands are on the ship’s wheel.

Rest doesn’t mean that we cease from activity, or to negate our responsibilities. True rest enables us to place our confidence and trust in the Lord, who guides, empowers and imparts His wisdom with Kingdom authority – the fruit that bears the risen mage of Christ Jesus in the power and demonstration of the Spirit.

God has always called His people to find their rest in Him, to cease from their labors as God did His (He.4: 9-10)? The need to struggle, use our position of influence or to control, or out of striving or to use human strength and endeavor, no matter how good and righteous it may seem, can be contrary to God.

Jesus – Take the Wheel

God is calling many for a “hands-off” approach to let Jesus take the wheel. Finding our rest in Christ is the faith that releases God to move on our behalf. It’s time to let go of the past, shortcomings and failures, doubts and fears. Just like the cruise control on a car, we can hand the controls over to the Lord who places our lives on “Cruise control.” There is no greater peace than to be in His hands.

It is often the tendencies, especially by those who operate in the prophetic, to seek for a download from heaven, form a strategy, mobilize those who will join them and implement the plan. We then validate it as “being led by the Spirit.”

I do love those ordained revelatory seasons that enables us to move forward as a “dream team.” However, if this is done out of God’s timing, or the need to perform or accomplish something in His name, or to move our ministry and mission forward, our works will only lead to frustration and discouragement. God has orchestrated something beyond our understanding and control. Thus,

God is calling you to “Watch and See” what He will do on your behalf. He can accomplish more in one day than we can in a thousand years.

He will determine the speed, the direction, the timing and the course. All else will simply come to nothing. We simply rest on deck with Him, who is our navigator, to enjoy His presence and the joy of our fellowship. The best part of being on an adventure with Christ is not arriving at our destination, but to sojourn with Him who always leads us to victory and to our destination.

It is in this place of abiding in His rest that we manifest the sweet aroma of the knowledge of Him by us IN EVERY PLACE to those around us.

  And now thanks be unto God, who always causes us to triumph in Christ, and reveal the sweet fragrance of His knowledge by us in every place (2 Cor. 2:14).

In His heart with abundant joy,

Roy Roden