We just completed the “School of Prophetic Trainers” held at the Missions Church in Vacaville California. While waiting for the Sunday service to begin this morning, I began to mediate upon Jesus when these thoughts came to my heart.
It seems God is more interested in how much of Christ divine nature and the light of His glory that we abide in and His love than the influence we have, our scope of ministry, the size of our congregation or whom we know and our good works.
The Scripture tells us in Zephaniah 3:17 The LORD your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves. He will take great delight in you; in His loveHe will no longer rebuke you, but will rejoice over you with singing.”
Nowhere does the Scripture tell us that God rewards our performance, or our efforts and the size of our ministry, but rather our humility, faithfulness to serve Him and to do all things in Him. Our heavenly Father rejoices over His Sons and Daughters because we are of His creation redeemed by Christ. He thus rejoices over His people WITH singing at the victory of Christ in His Sons and Daughters that reveals the life of Christ glory through an empowered people, for it is “Christ in you the hope of Glory” (Col. 1:27).
His heart is moved with joy when He beholds the brethren that are united in Christ and His love. It is through these relationships that God CAMMANDs a blessing, even life forever more (Ps. 133:1-3).
For me to know Him is to experience the joy of our fellowship and His delight and acceptance as He showers His love over me whispering, “ I am pleased with you.” It is this “oneness” with the Father and His Son that makes our joy complete. The apostle John expressed this same desire for the Church that they may know the joy of divine fellowship with the Father and His Son (John 1:3-4).
It is this joy that comes from our relationship with God and with one another, that imparts the more abundant life that is ours in Christ (John 10:10). It is this abundant life in Christ that others see and desire (Is. 60:1-3). In the coming revival, it will be those that rise and shine with the light of His glory that will attract the nations to the light of their rising. They will look upon them and say, “I want that, I want what they have!” In turn, they will be led to the King, the light of the world.
It is this joy of fellowship that makes all the redeemed failures of my life, His steadfast and relentless Fathering over the years my character that needed pruning, and taking me from that of an orphan to a beloved son, that is more valuable than all the gold and silver, fame and pleasure this world can ever offer.
Before we can go forth and conquer for the King, we first must be conquered by our victorious risen King. Then, from the place of abiding in His love, we go out with with joy and from the place of His victory, posses our promised inheritance.
Thank you Abba Father for being such a good papa-
Love your son, Roy boy