CATCH THE WAVE- A time of preparation


Surfer rides the ocean wave at sunrise

Our heavenly Father often designates a season for His people to come aside to rest.  For me, this time began last July. Recently, the Lord extended this season until my birthdate, October 16th.  To rest in Christ doesn’t mean that we refrain from all activity, but to focus on His priorities spending time in His presence to feast at His table.  As King David declared,

“For you have set a table before me in the presence of my enemies, you anoint my heard with oil; my cup runs over (Psalms 23:5).

As a disciple of Christ our main call is “to be with Him.” Jesus is our Lord and teacher.  As we see in Mark 3:14-15, this time with Jesus, not only draws us closer to Him but prepares us for the next season. Like Christ disciples, there is a time when Christ sends us forth to minister the gospel of His Kingdom in the power of the Spirit that testifies that Christ has risen and is Lord.  (See also Mt.10: 7-8, Acts 4:33).

And Jesus ordained twelve that they should be with Him and that He might send them forth to preach. And to have power to heal sicknesses, and to cast out devils.”

This is a time of awakening, restoration and renewal, a time of preparation to fulfill God’s purpose. A time to hear the passions of Jesus and to receive revelatory downloads from the heart of the Father (Ephesians 1: 17-22). Like the ocean, some prophetic insights roll in like gentle waves that come to shore. These revelations are peaceful, refreshing and life giving. And like the rising tide of the Ocean, these ‘waves of truth” roll in until they take us to a new level.

Other waves are larger and more powerful. Recently as I sought to go deeper in Christ, I caught a very large wave of prophetic insight. Like a surfer I rode it to shore. Oh such exhilaratingly truths in the knowledge of Him! Like all that God reveals they are life giving and energizing (John 6:63). It is this revelation of the face and glory of the Word of God, Jesus that transforms us into His image and likeness. As we behold the glory of the Lord, we are,

   “Changed into the same image that takes us from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord” (2 Corinthians 3:18).

As major wave of Glory, a tsunami is coming to the body of Christ.  Waves of revival are coming. Whether they are small and gentle in nature, or large in scope, its high time to prepare for the harvest. Not only to catch the wave, but also to be the wave that reveals His glory. “

In His heart with love Roy Roden