We had an awesome time this past Sunday at the Eastgate School of Prophetic Ministry in Augusta. As usual, an Angel was present with us. I usually discern this Angel standing quietly to my left. I brought this to the attention of the group, followed by a short teaching on the ministry of Angels. Based on Hebrews 1:7,14:
“…(God) Who makes His Angels spirits and His ministers as a flame of fire. (14) Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation?”
After testing the spirit to see this Angel is of God – the Father, we release the Angel to minister (1John 4:1). A wave of anointing moved over the congregation. Asking for a confirmation, it was evident people was being blessed. I noticed one gentleman that became very emotional. Asking for testimonies, he shared;
“When I came here tonight, I was feeling very heavy. This heaviness is now gone.” (He was giggling and laughing) Continuing said, “I didn’t know you could feel this good!” Chuckling with a grin that spread from ear to hear he shared, “This is the first time this has happened to me.” In response I told him, “This is the joy of the Lord.” I have never seen him so joyful and happy!
Others were blessed in various ways. One thing I pointed out is that the divine nature of God, such as His peace, love and joy, deliverance power and healing and working of miracles, is the fruit of the Spirit that we look for. The adversary cannot counterfeit the pure love of God or the peace of Christ that surpasses all understanding.
Working with Angels is part of our equipping and training ministry. We sometimes involve the people to participate as this opens the gate of heaven for Angels to minister among the people. The testimonies of the people proclaim that truly, as Jesus prayed, the Kingdom of God has come “on earth as in heaven.”
If you would like to know more about the ministry and working with Angels, I did a 5 part teaching posted on our website. To read these articles, go to…
Blessings with love – Roy